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Our Impact
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Our Impact
Our impact spans the 64,000-square mile Chesapeake Bay watershed.
Our Achievements
Achievements completed in 2024
Partnered to Establish the Southern Maryland Woodlands National Wildlife Refuge
Earl Conservation Center
Partner to Create McNew Community Gardens
Chesapeake National Recreation Area Takes Critical Step Forward
Initiative to Help Establish the Phoebus-Fort Monroe Coalition
Honor 2024 Champions of the Chesapeake
Partnered to Produce an Updated mapping of Maryland’s Habitat Connectivity Network
Significant Funding for Stream Restoration in Pennsylvania
Maryland Meets 30% Land Conservation Goal Six Years Ahead of Schedule
National Parks Subcommittee of the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee (ENR) Holds Hearing on the CNRA Bill
America’s Conservation Enhancement Act (ACE) Passes Senate
Story Map Released Which Documents 65 Sites of Black Historical Significance
Two Segments of Turtle Creek Delisted from the Agriculturally Impaired Streams List
EXPLORE Act Passes House of Representatives
Passage of Maryland’s Whole Watershed Act
Advocating for the First National Wildlife Refuge in Maryland in 26 years
Annapolis Acquires Dr. Moore Property, Adjacent to Elktonia Beach
Girl Scout Troop Protects East Marlton Forest
NDAA Provision Passed to Help Protect Greenbury Point
Partner to Expand West Virginia Park Along Shenandoah River by 82 Acres
Celebrate 10th Anniversary of the Conservation Innovation Center
Introduction of the Chesapeake National Recreation Act
Create First of Its Kind Chesapeake Bay Watershed Solar Mapping & Prediction
Partner to Host Environmental Career Symposium for Charles County, Maryland, Students
Strengthening Forest Conservation Regulations in Maryland
Passage of the Maryland the Beautiful Act
Successful Advocacy for Maryland’s Greenspace Equity Program Legislation
Formalize Partnership with Susquehanna University
Partner to Create Artificial Intelligence Deep Learning Model for Mapping Wetlands Yielding 94% Accuracy
Advocate for Successful Outcomes in FY 23 Federal Spending Package
Support Maryland’s Most Comprehensive Tree Study
Celebrate Advocacy Efforts that Led to Draft CNRA Legislation
Join Bay Bridge Run as Official Charity Partner
Partner to Conserve 300 Acres along Susquehanna River & Expand Parks
Grant to Implement Strategy to Rapidly Restore Agriculturally Impaired Streams in Central Pennsylvania
Awarded Grant to Support Development of Infrastructure to Attract Tourists to Cambridge, Maryland
Momentum Built for the Chesapeake National Recreation Area
Released Very High- Resolution Land Use/Land Cover and Change Data
Partnered to Develop New Sandy Point State Park Nature Center with Bilingual Interpretation
Awarded “Partner of the Year Award” by the Maryland Park Advisory Commission
Successfully Advocated for Conservation Finance Act, the First Such State Law in the Country
Partner with Rappahannock Tribe for their Acquisition of Sacred Land
Advocate for Successful Passage of the Great Maryland Outdoors Act
Partner with Blacks of the Chesapeake to Conserve Historically Black Beach, Will Become City Park
Advocate for Successful Conservation Outcomes in FY 22 Federal Spending Package
Second Data Scientist Joins Conservation Innovation Center
Growing Greener Grant Will Boost Rapid Stream De-listing Effort
TeraWulf Charitable Foundation Supports Efforts to Establish Chesapeake National Recreation Area
Partner to Create Online Tools for Landowners
Work with Universities & Partners to Plant Forest Buffer
Memorandum of Understanding with the Bureau of Land Management
Partner to Preserve 270 Acres in Wicomico County
High-Resolution Land Cover Data Produced for the EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Program Used for Anne Arundel County Executive Green Infrastructure Master Plan
Partner with Hispanic Access Foundation on Public Access Survey of Voters
Conservation Innovation Study on Carbon Sequestration in Virginia
Partnered to Highlight James River Water Quality Achievements
Opened Oyster House Park with Partners in Seaford, DE
Partnered to Create Nanticoke Crossing Park
Partnered with Charles County to hire two student interns from Morgan State University
Issued Joint Report, “Private Conservation Finance Critical to Restoring the Chesapeake Bay”
Joined Partners to Welcome Department of Defense Secretary Hicks to the Middle Chesapeake Sentinel Landscape
Launched New Initiative with Pennsylvania Governor Tom Wolf and Partners to Restore 30 Agriculturally-Impaired Streams by 2020
Issued New Report on Solar Siting for St. Mary’s County
Partnership Conserves 318 Acres in Dorchester County
Partnered to Create First Map of Ground-Mounted Solar Arrays
Admitted into the 2020-2022 Large Landscape Peer Learning Initiative
Successful Advocacy for Conservation Outcomes in FY21 Federal Appropriations
First Phase of New Park Project in Seaford Begins
Celebrated 2020 Champions of the Chesapeake
Empowering Water Data Monitors with Technology
Issued New Report on Solar Citing for Baltimore County & City
Released Virtual Tours of Tangier Island and Pocomoke River
New Book Includes Chesapeake Trail
Passage of America’s Conservation Enhancement Act
Using data to create an illustrative and interactive digital platform for endangered fish species
Launched Partnership to Advocate for Chesapeake National Recreation Area (CNRA)
NFWF Grant Awarded for Precision Conservation in Pennsylvania
Launched “Chesapeake Conversations” Podcast
Co-hosted with Lincoln Institute of Land Policy: Earthshot: Democratizing Data to Protect 30% of the Planet by 2030
Released Study on Park Mobility during COVID-19
Identified Land Essential to Drinking Water Safety
Partnership Conserves 438 Acres in Wicomico County
Chesapeake Conservancy Applauds Senate Passage of the Great American Outdoors Act
Partnership for the National Trails System Case Study on Conservation of Fones Cliffs
Chesapeake Conservancy: Launching the Conservation Innovation Center featured in a Harvard Business School Case Study
Chesapeake Conservancy Receives US Forest Service 2019 Regional Forester’s Honor Award
Successful Partnership Expands Quiet Waters Park
Celebrated 2019 Champions of the Chesapeake
Provide Tree Canopy Analysis for Anne Arundel County, MD that Helped Inform a Recent Change in the Law
Successful Partnership to Add 4665 acres to the George Washington and Jefferson National Forests in the James River Watershed
New AI Scientist Joins Conservation Innovation Center to Accelerate Precision Conservation Efforts
Partnership Adds Easement Acreage to Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Launch of New Paddle Website for the Susquehanna River with the National Park Service
Launch Bilingual Ranger Program at Sandy Point State Park in Partnership with the National Park Service
Awarded 4-Star Charity Navigator Rating for the Second Year
Successful Designation of Mallows Bay-Potomac River as the Chesapeake’s First National Marine Sanctuary
Introduction of the Chesapeake Bay Gateways and Watertrails Network Reauthorization Act of 2019
Conservation of Farmland in the Nanticoke Rural Legacy Area
Advocated for Permanent Reauthorization of the Land and Water Conservation Fund
Successfully Advocated for Full Funding of Maryland’s Program Open Space
Chesapeake Conservancy Develops Technology for James River Restoration Work
EPA Awards $1.1 Million to Chesapeake Conservancy to Track Environmental Impacts of Land Use in Bay Watershed
Partnership Conserves Wildlife Habitat for Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge
Chesapeake Conservancy Awarded 4-Star Charity Navigator Rating
The National Park Service and Chesapeake Conservancy Release the Short Film “Werowocomoco: Protecting a Powhatan Place of Power”
Celebrated 2018 Champions of the Chesapeake
Partner to Create New Waterfront Park in Seaford, DE
Advocate for Fones Cliffs in Virginia where Lawsuit was Filed Against the Developer
Partner to Create Thriving Monarch Butterfly Habitat
UMBC and Chesapeake Conservancy to Create Detailed Stream Maps of Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Launched Virtual Tour of Patuxent River
Find Your Chesapeake GeoTour® Launch
Successfully Advocated for Federal Funding for Chesapeake Bay Restoration, Land Conservation and Public Access
City of Norfolk and Chesapeake Conservancy Dedicate Captain John Smith Cross Marker
Created New Technology to Help the Public Answer: How Healthy Is the South River?
Navy, State of Maryland and Nonprofits Partner to Conserve Land in Dorchester County
Applauds Open Space and Land Conservation Funding at the State Level and Advocating for Federal Funding for the Chesapeake Bay
Celebrated 2017 Champions of the Chesapeake
Demonstrated Use of Cloud-Based Computing for Conservation Audience of 16,000
Featured in Microsoft Video Demonstrating Precision Conservation
Donated Ancestral Land to Rappahannock Tribe
Released Vision Document for Susquehanna River Conservation
Participated in Microsoft Earth Day Panel
Showcased Future of Conservation with Elk Creek Restoration Project
Awarded “Partner in Excellence” by Virginia Environment Endowment
Accepted by 1% for the Planet Network
Released Tool for Precision Conservation in Pennsylvania
Advocated for Best Management Practices in the Watershed as Part of Comprehensive Sediment Mitigation Efforts
Pushed for Legislation Supporting Key Chesapeake Bay Programs
Celebrated Federal Funding for Conservation and Public Access
Advocated for Clean Water Commerce Act of 2017
Osprey Photo Documentary Named Green Earth Book Award Honor Winner
Partnered to Improve Stream Mapping for the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Joined Local Grocer Supports Susquehanna Restoration
Launched Roving Ranger
Commemorated Grand Opening of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad Visitor Center
Joined Greater Baltimore Wilderness Coalition to Host Green Opportunity and Job Fair for Baltimore Youth
Celebrated Milestone toward National Marine Sanctuary Designation for Mallows Bay – Potomac River
Completed Chesapeake Bay High-Resolution Land Cover project for the Chesapeake Bay Program
Celebrated the Permanent Protection of Werowocomoco
Allowed Visitors to Virtually Explore the Chesapeake’s Great Rivers and Special Places through Interactive Tours
Celebrated 2016 Champtions of the Chesapeake
Designed Web Tools to Increase the Pace and Efficiency of Conservation in the Chesapeake
Celebrated the 100th Anniversary of the National Park Service and the 10th Anniversary of the John Smith Chesapeake Trail with Find Your Chesapeake Video Series
Released Online/Mobile-Accessible Boater’s Guide to the John Smith Chesapeake Trail
Advocated for the Governor and the General Assembly to Restore Cuts to Maryland’s Program Open Space
Crowdfunded to Launch Third Wildlife Webcam Featuring Great Blue Herons
Provided Virtual Connection to Chesapeake’s Wildlife for Fourth Straight Year
Developed Park Finder: Baltimore, a Web-Based Walkability Application
Lead Non-Profit for the Rivers of the Chesapeake Collaborative Proposal which Led to Nearly $11 Million for Land Conservation and $2 Million for Public Access in the FY 2016 Federal Budget
Celebrated 2015 Champions of the Chesapeake
Partnered with Organizations Seeking National Marine Sanctuary Designation for Mallows Bay – Potomac River, 2014-15
Led the Successful Effort to Designate the Nanticoke as a Sentinel Landscape
Started of Virtual Tour of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail
Advocated for the Expansion of Blackwater National Wildlife Refuge, 2011-15
Inclusion of $38 Million in the President’s FY16 Budget for Land Conservation in the Chesapeake Bay Watershed
Collaborated with the USDA’s RCPP Partnership to Receive $5 Million in Federal Funding for Land Conservation in the Delmarva Peninsula
Launched Peregrine Falcon Webcam at Transamerica Building in Downtown Baltimore
Relaunch of the Popular Osprey Camera, 2013-15
Provided Advocacy and Support for the Designation of the Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Historical Park in MD and the Harriet Tubman National Historical Park in NY
Celebrated 2014 Champions of the Chesapeake
Co-hosted Chesapeake Climate Data Hackathon
Hosted the National Conference on Large Landscape Conservation
Additional Access Site for the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail at Caledon State Park
Department of Defense REPI Grant for Land Conservation in the Nanticoke River Corridor
Launched the Chesapeake Conservation Partnership with NPS
Joined with White House, Intel on Climate Data Initiative
Expansion of Maryland Wildlands Program to Include an Additional 22,000 acres of Sensitive State-Owned land
Designation of Masonville Cove as Nation’s First Urban Wildlife Refuge Partnership
Establishment of Harriet Tubman Underground Railroad National Monument
Passed Legislation in Maryland to Promote Safe and Reasonable Canoe, Kayak and Fishing Access along Maryland’s Bridges and Roadways
2011 & 2012
Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail Expanded by 840 Miles of Connecting Component Trails, 2012
Published A Boater’s Guide to the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, 2011
Establishment of Fort Monroe National Monument, 2011
2009 & 2010
Launched the Star-Spangled Banner Geotrail, 2010
Provided Advocacy and Education Support for Protection of the Jesuit Lands, 2010
Published Conserving Chesapeake Landscapes report, 2010
Developed President Obama’s Chesapeake Bay Protection and Restoration Executive Order #13508, specifically the conservation and access goals, 2009
2006 & 2008
U.S. Department of the Interior, states of Delaware and Maryland, and the Chesapeake Conservancy signed an agreement to work together to protect the Nanticoke River.
Completed the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail Connecting Trails Evaluation Study
Establishment of the Captain John Smith Chesapeake National Historic Trail, 2006